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Singing Feather Ministries Inc. is a small, family-run, non-profit organization founded in 2008. We can do what God is calling us to do only through the generous one-time donations and monthly support of family and friends within the Body of Christ who partner with us in ministry through finances and prayer. Our fruit is your fruit! Come and sow into the nations with us! Help us bind up the brokenhearted, heal the sick, raise the dead, and disciple new believers! 

Singing Feather Ministries has 5 main focus areas:

  1)   Worship and Intercession


  2)   Partnering with God's desire for Native Americans to come to the understanding of the authority He's given them and the beauty of loving Him WITH their culture rather than despite it. We believe our primary role is coming alongside Native believers and supporting them as they minister within their tribal communities, here in North America and around the world.


  3)   Breaking the bonds of injustice and historical oppression and walking in the ministry of reconciliation through worship and intercession while meeting the practical needs of families in indigenous communities based on God's promise in Isaiah 58.  We see every act of benevolence, every grocery bag, box of clothing, porch fixed, fence mended as an act of intercession before heaven.  If we do Isaiah 58, He'll do Isaiah 58.  We have seen much fruit in our ministry as we serve with this mindset.  It isn't us that they need, it's Jesus.


  4)   Educating the Body of Christ in America regarding the ministry opportunities in our own backyard and the truth that God will not bring the revival that we are longing for without His "Beautiful People".

  5)   Discipling young adults in sound doctrine, theology, and biblical truth, and equipping them to take what they've learned out into the world, whether it be in the marketplace or in the context of full-time occupational ministry.  Wherever they find themselves, all is a "mission field".


By partnering financially with Singing Feather Ministries, you are making it possible for us to move forward in all of the things that the Lord has called us to. We are so grateful for you and the role you play in seeing the Kingdom of our Father made manifest on the Earth. Our commitment to you is to walk with you and your family through as much prayer and support as possible. Let's dream together with God! All things are possible with Him!

Thank you for partnering with us!

Click the button below to give a one-time donation OR become a monthly partner.

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Credit and Debit Cards accepted)

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All donations are tax-deductible and GREATLY appreciated!

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