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What To Expect

"After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from EVERY tongue, TRIBE, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb of God." Revelation 7:9.

Our upcoming Every Tribe DTS will include an emphasis on ministering to Native Americans, with a focus on needs and opportunities to serve and show love to local tribes during our Lecture Phase. The DTS leaders and staff have field experience and a long-term commitment to proclaiming and demonstrating the love and power of Jesus among the First Nations. In addition to all of the life-changing DTS curriculum, students will also learn to appreciate Native cultures, to build loving relationships with Natives, and to communicate their faith in compelling and effective ways. On outreach, staff and students will participate in a successful long-term work here in the United States as well as with indigenous tribes overseas.

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